Sunday, August 29, 2010

Photos from Alaska!!

Here's trying a new photo sharing tool: Photos!

The good 'ole facebook! I'm going to see if this works, and I'm hoping so. I already do all of my photo editing in iphoto and then upload the edited ones to facebook, but then Picasa grabs up all the photos- edited or not, and puts them into the online photo albums I have been using. Oh technology... how it helps, and hurts us. I'm beginning to believe that Tylenol holds large portions of stock in Apple and Microsoft....

Well, this is a link to some of my favorite photos from Alaska, which means that I have gone, seen, and am now back again!! Even though it has been several days I am still bleary with jet lag and culture shock, that is quickly turning into Harvard shock as classes ramp up to start again. I'm looking forward to a new semester, and you all should be looking forward to some tales of the Wild North!

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